Machine Shut Down and Start Up Procedures
In the event you plan to shutdown for an extended period, the following maintenance procedures should be implemented for your printer.
Extended printer idle time greater than one week can cause printhead nozzle blockage, requiring a service visit to recover nozzles. The probability of unrecoverable nozzles rises with increased idle time. Without daily maintenance (swabbing nozzle plates with UV flush) the nozzle plate can become dry, which prevents proper jetting. This can block nozzles at the nozzle plate.
Important: Power and air pressure must be left on at all times except for long-term storage. Failure to leave the power on reduces printer reliability and air pressure is needed for automatic white AMS.
Perform daily maintenance twice per week (every 3-4 days).
Important: Power must be left on at all times. If power is turned off for any period it may damage the printheads and automatic maintenance will not be performed.