Our buyers guide covers everything you need to know when buying a UV flatbed printer. We explain new technologies, cut through the jargon and help you understand the choices you need to make and what to look for when selecting a UV flatbed printer.
Choosing a UV flatbed printer
It’s worth putting some time into choosing a UV flatbed printer that’s not only right for your business today, but right for you in the future as your business grows tomorrow and beyond. This buyers guide will help you make your purchase with confidence, knowing that you’ve covered off the most important considerations.
Questions to ask
Which RIP to use? Do you need white ink? What’s the environmental impact? Do I really need a service agreement? This buyers guide will help you create a list of questions to ask yourself and the manufacture, to help clear up some of the confusion.
Understanding flatbed architecture
There are two basic system architectures used in flatbed printing. It can be difficult to work out which is better for your business. This guide will provide the pro’s and con’s of each.
Costs to consider
The system cost of a UV flatbed printer should be only one consideration when selecting which printer is right for you. You also need to consider the cost of producing an application and how much you can then sell it for. We list out the costs you need to consider to calculate the total cost of operation in this buyers guide.
Choose the right UV flatbed printer
Download our buyer’s guide today!